Section activities

Current Events

  • XXI Worskop day of Clinical Pharmacy, 2. 6. 2017, Medical House, Prague
  • XIX Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy René Mach, 24-25. 11. 2017, Mikulov
  • Session on Clinical Pharmacy within European Congress on the Clinical Pharmacology, Prague
  • Session on Clinical Pharmacy within XXIV Congress of the Czech Internal Society CzMA JEP

Past events

  • Pharmacovigilance workshop afternoon: Pharmacovigilance - topic for cooperation all health care professionals for minimization of risk of pharmacotherapy, March 2017
  • Medication adherence workshop afternoon: Medication adherence and polypharmacy - topic for cooperation of all health care professionals for maximization of effect and minimization of risk of pharmacotherapy, April 2017
  • XVIII Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy René Mach, 25-26. 11. 2016, Mikulov
    The tradition and popularity of this event has again been highlighted by high attendance of over 420 pharmacists and friends of the clinical pharmacy who had been engaged in the discussions on Therapy of Blood Disease and Current Approaches to Pain Management.
  • European Training School of Rational Prescribing in Geriatrics (25-27.4.2016)
    The Section of Clinical Pharmacy was one of the organising members of the European Training School of Rational Prescribing in Geriatrics with the main theme „European perspectives in rational and individualized drug therapy in the old age and ageism - priorities for the next decades“. There were 79 professionals participating from different European countries participating at the event.